Wednesday, May 18, 2005

factories and marching bands

sufjan, sufjan, sufjan. where have you been all this time? congratulations on incorporating both a sitar and a xylophone, not to mention a petula clark-esque backup vocal into a single song. my heart, she is a little yours.

i am wearing a purple and white striped shirt. little stripes though, not bold ones. with a V for a neck. i'm going to change though, because it is getting a little chiller-willers outside and this has no armsleeves. nope. what should i go for do you think? i don't know either. how about the elliot bay book company shirt? the yellow thermal? a potato sack? i'm all about potato sacks, yo. throw it on and sack it up.

dear lyndsey teeter nee johnson: we wish to inform you that tomorrow you better update your diary, or your margaret thatcher dog will be kidnapped. dog-knapped. thatcher-knapped. this is not a promise, this is a threat. things could get ugly around here for ol' mags. hop to.

the zoo zoo zoo is soon soon soon.

when she lived in new york city, my mother would go on her lunch break to the central park zoo to get a hot dog and see the polar bears. only the polar bears. those were her favorites. every day.

i like the lions, myself. roar! and the penguins, the sea lions and the giraffes. and the hissing cockroaches because they're so incredibly awful. and the gorillas! oh yes, the gorillas. don't look them in the eye!

tonight i'm going to see my first midnight movie since harry potter el (los?) secundo came out. those are fun, which i had forgotten all about until the other day, and now i'm more excited about it than i was at first. but now i have to empty the dishwasher and make something for dinner, which will be.....pasta! well. a sandwich? a pasta sandwich! yeech.

i snuck in a contraband coffee container into the law library today. clever little cat i am. and not as sad as i was yesterday aft and eve. so there's that, then, yes? yes! say yes to you-know-where.


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