Wednesday, March 01, 2006

i know all there is to know about the waiting game.

so now, we wait. the interview went well. OR DID IT?! no really, it did. i prom promise.

in other news, welcome to lent. over the years, i've given up alcohol, smoking, instant messenger, soda, sugar, coffee and other various treats. this year, i've decided that perhaps a combination would be the best thing, so it's looking like no wine, no sugar, and no elevators for me.

i say elevators because there's one in my building i use to ride up, and there's one at the court i use to both ride up and down in. that's going to get a little tricky when i have to walk people down to the traffic window, but we'll figure something out, i'm sure.

so, that's taken care of. what else can i talk about?

friends of mine from school are going out for dinner at a sushi place tonight, and i've somehow said i'll be attending, but then i remembered: i don't really care for sushi all that much. i mean, it's fine, and it was fun to make on new year's, but i don't derive any gratification from it like some others do. it seems like the perfect time, though, doesn't it? i mean, it's ash wednesday and you know what that means: dairy delights. meatless meals. isn't uncooked fish wrapped inside seaweed and vinegary rice the ideal solution? yick. see that? i grossed myself out right there. i think i might have to pass.

which means.....i'm having pizza, i guess. or a grilled cheese. or tomato soup. or......dipping one into the other (not the pizza)! i haven't done that in a long time. let's go.

i sort of want to go back to bed, to be honest with you, but i have my tutoring class tonight at five. we'll be covering causation and murders uno and due, if you'd like to attend. you know, for some pointers.


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