Thursday, April 28, 2005

hey hey heeeeeeeeeey, yeh

you know that part in cat power's he war, right when it starts and you have this completely awesome snare-rolling rhythm going on, and then when she sings he war hewar he will kill for you, and it kicks in with this buhumbum buhumbum on the floor tom? that makes me want to start running just to see how fast i can go. every time robot plays it (and that's a lot of times, robot knows what i like), i like to pretend i'm really playing my own lovely drums, and the floor tom (which you may or may not know might just be my favorite) gets a lot of love. look, try it yourself. put on the song and wait, and then when the floor tom starts up, throw down your right hand--buhumbum! buhumbum! it's incredibly satisfying. and if you want to really have some fun, right after the second one, cross your right hand over to the left side and smash on the crash cymbal--crrrrhhhrisssssh!

i would not, however, recommend doing this while you're driving, which i've had too much first-hand experience with. this is reason number 3, actually, that i am a poor operator of motor vehicles. can you guess 1 and 2?

(and hey katie, remember the song we were going to write called 'floor tom?' let's really do that sometime)

today something AWESOME happened to me. i got an award! from the law school! another one! actually, it's not from the law school, it's from something called the American Society of Matrimonial Lawyers! who the fuck are those people? i don't care! i love them! what the heck! i get a plaque! with my name on it! not just a blank one! haha! AND I GET A THOUSAND DOLLARS!

okay, i'm sorry. i found out in a situation where i had to be subdued, so i left to go out in the parking lot to jump around and things. you know. but hey! i'm dying to tell all of you. all.

and, what else? too much. but listen, God is so good. for awards, okay, but for answering prayer. and making my heart ready. and giving me you, fifteen minutes away and continents away. i love you. let me celebrate and feel this to the full measure with you.

today i feel the kind of strong i haven't felt in a long long time. like the full name is appropriate today. catherine loya, kaZAM!


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commented earlier, but it seems it never showed up. Well, here is a reenactment: Wow! Good job on the award! Also, I wish you saw how Larry Mullen Jr. played the floor tom at the U2 concert on one of the songs from Vertigo (I'm not sure what it is called. Love and Peace? maybe?) It. was. AWESOME.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1,000 dollars and a plaque! Wow! That's great! Also, I know nothing about floor toms, but that song is rock and roll rock rock roll rock. I'm listening to it. twice.


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