Wednesday, April 20, 2005

maybe after a few minutes

yesterday, my day was filled with phone calls and visitors. it was nice and not too overwhelming, and dear katie: i am still laughing about "margarita. party." that's going to come in handy later tonight. thank you a thousand times, love cat. ps there is still the opening in the parliament of douchetania. just let me know.

(it's moments like this i think, how funny this life is and how the paradox theory of God (again, hi kate) seems to be right or at least present and operable, and feeling that working in your heart is.....and here is where i wish for a writer to find the word instead of my own selections....where all the human in me says, no no no no no and the little bit of God i have begged to be in me says, Yes)

let's talk about colorado for a moment, shall we? in 1996, colorado citizens voted to amend their state constitution to include an amendment crippling the government's ability to take any action prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals. this amendment was so broad that if the police chief of denver issued an order to his officers to stop brutality against gays and lesbians, he would be breaking the law. that's right, breaking the law. the rationale? anything that prohibits discrimination against homosexuals encourages immorality, and the people of colorado are nothing but moral.

never fear. the supreme court got its shit together and actually struck down this law while applying minimal scrutiny (which, as it has been very simply and accurately stated, is "shit from the court"). so it doesn't exist right now. this has led me to the following conclusion: the pround people of colorado are shitbrick fucksticks, and i am a poet and didn't know it. dicks.

the positive thing to take from this, however, is that the supreme court can actually do something with minimal scrutiny. maybe. sort of. in like, four cases, fine. but still! hope springs eternal from the head of ruth bader ginsburg, justice and former head of the aclu. and maybe sandra day o'connor's, but only after a few old fashioneds and a ride around the ranch on General Ambrose, her favorite mustang stallion. right? right? Jesus?

and don't even get me started on laws that discriminate against children born out of wedlock. don't.

soon i will be on my way to cleveland hopkins airport to pick up one mr robert j. cantoni, newly arrived from the western lands. this means i will be unable to attain my long-worked for legendary status tonight (or maybe for a whole ten days)(!), but i suppose i won't hold it against him. too much.

right away, anyhow.


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