Saturday, April 09, 2005

something else

you know what i say? i say there should be two of these. one for you and one for me. how's that sound? sounds pretty logical from this end. will there ever be a point where this ceases to be typing and starts being real live talking? in color, and not from your internet tv set? i don't know. that sounds nice, doesn't it? maybe just nice to me. that's what i'm afraid of, just nice to me.

i've heard that it's easiest to feel connected with someone when they're just bare bones honest with you. is that true, do you think? is that really the way it is? if the answer to that is yes, then why doesn't this happen? or maybe it does, i'm not just privy to it. the ugliest parts of myself all being glaring true. keeping me from the truth. figure that one out, i'll give you fifty bucks.

will i get this time back, i wonder? tonight my blood caught up with me. and how can you beat your blood? you can't. you kill a ghost with ectoplasm, but the trick is there is no ectoplasm, only in the movies. so the real answer is: you can't. and here you say, with man this is impossible. but not with God (and that's my favorite part, did you know?). with God, all things are possible. all things. everything. you can beat a ghost--not even outrun it, but look it in the face and beat it--with God. that's what you say here.

and ignore the rest of it.


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