Sunday, April 17, 2005

don't worry so much, silly

whooo boy, that was a weekend. lots of worries. lots of feelings talks. good ones. and nice to see God working working working, all the time, like a busy bee (it occurs to me at this moment that christopher guest has forever marked that phrase for me now, busy bee. thank you, parker posey, also. you are amazing. yes, still. yes, i know you haven't made a movie in what seems like an age, but you are forever the queen of indie film foreverandeveramen). so thanks, God, for always being there, even when i'm convinced you're not. and wringing my hands. i think i've filled my bravery quota for the week. but, you know, whatever you think is best. i trust you, this millisecond.

also it's hard to type and wring at the same time. but i'm an expert. an old hat(?)(remember cliches?).

i've felt tired and lazy all day all day. i haven't done a single iota of work, and i'm justfiying it by telling myself this is the last weekend i get to do that for the next three weeks. exams, y'all. throw your hands up and show me some clubbin power!

speaking of clubbin power, it must be "ladies" night at angelina's across the street. and by ladies i mean men dressed up as ladies. with falsetto voices calling: "santeena, i know you girl! i know you! santie! girrrrrl!" and the click clack click of scary heels i will never be able to wear, nor be moved to, across five lanes of market. later, santeena will be very loud, and probably either pissed off about being known when she entered and forgotten when she left, or too sleepy to care. i will have a working stereo circa 1985 once again, a belly full of organic enchiladas and black beans, and thinking about how nice my bed is, since i just changed the sheets.

in other news, i tried to rent fight club again today but it was out. i know. listen, i know. i'm trying to fix the "i haven't seen fight club" situation. i'm even taking affirmative measures. really. it just wasn't there this time.

so i got the human stain instead. on my clothes. and i also seriously thought about pulling into swenson's for a cheeseburger with actual redmeatmadcowbeef, and those potato teasers (come on, you know those things) and maybe a milkshake, but then i remembered about how i know their secret (brown sugar in the meat). so i didn't go.

and......the end.


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