we're deep into lent territory, aren't we. oh yes we are. we're on sugar lows here, and steps that seem shorter by now, and only the elevator once (but only because i had a state trooper with me, and i felt like i couldn't very well make him take the stairs)...and maybe one dessert, but only half, and only because.
so that's okay. right?'s too late (early?) for this to be updated. almost four, even. and it's rained and is raining and will rain, my hair is all curly from the humidity, i'm driving my mom's car until tuesday because the a/c light in mine goes on off on off, and it's the night before i will hopefully get something back.
i emailed, you see, just to gently but firmly remind these good people that the bar deadlines loom, and there are states to choose from and lives to settle on living, so would you please at least give me a range of times when i will hear from you, instead of this irritating silence? but that was friday, and so monday is when i expect the something.
what do you think i should do if i get r-e-j-e-c-t-e-d?
go to chicago anyway? stay in ohio? go to graduate school? "take a year off?" try to dial God directly?
when i was in college, i wanted to be a grave digger. no really, listen. this is why: john steinbeck was a grave digger. he was actually a lot of things, while also a writer, and i thought at the time that it would be amazing to learn all of those people he met and the way things were with them in their places, all the things he did. yeh? ridiculous, i know. but maybe not.
no grave-digging. fine. what about lifeguard? i could do that. i think.
i would totally take the lifeguard test with you. in fact, i would be a lifeguard with you. i have always wanted to be a lifeguard. maybe we could start a funeral home together. that sounds better than gravedigging and you sure get to meet a lot of people.
Meyer & Loya: We'll Take Care of You, Living or Dead.
Haha, we can offer probate services on the side. Oh man. That's rich.
you should write novels.
and be a life guard with katie
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