Saturday, December 03, 2005

catch as cat can

i'm sorry, internet: i am failing you.

it's just that a lot happened recently. Food Poisoning: The Musical! happened, featuring my infamous solo in which i throw up with my face. then i went to seattle for a long time. and now i'm home, except now there are trials running like clockwork and two exams, one two just like that, next week. and i'm tired.

is it happening? is it time to put away the former things and become old? der? older? is going to bed at 1 in the morning becoming exhausting, and video games......but no. let's not speak blasphemy. please.

whew. i almost lost it there for a second. not to worry! i am exhausted, but only because i've been studying all day and all night. as long as i still make kill bill part of my exam preparation, i'll be just fine.

don't give up on me, internet. i'm still here.


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