Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i'm trying to get into soups.

hello, and welcome back to Law School: This Sucks, season three. i think this might be our last season (cycle?) and it's turning out to be a real gas. deadly, toxic gas. at the present moment, i'm in wills learning about nonmarital children. the professor has just said "frozen sperm" aloud.

this morning at work i had this amazing feeling like i was doing exactly what God wants me to be doing. it was a good morning, and some nice things happened, but enough confusing and/or scary things happened to give me a good balance. my first trial is next wednesday, so we'll see if i still feel good about prosecuting. today was the first day i've gone on the record, and the first day a magistrate has referred to me as "Prosecutor Loya." ha. like a magic cape or superhero costume. i'm thinking of making everyone address me as prosecutor loya. wait, in caps though. Prosecutor Loya. that's good. including at law school, by professors.

are you disappointed or relieved i don't write as much or as often? i can't decide which one i am. maybe a little bit of both.

i want this dog. what kind is it? please leave me a comment and tell me. i'm sorry about the word verification, which i'm sure can get annoying, but i need your help. my happiness depends on it.


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