Monday, August 22, 2005

hardly anyone updates on sunday. monday? sunday.

let me tell you something about barbeque chicken pizza: that is some good shit, right there. hells. yes.

i wanted to say the m-f word right there, afterwards, but i've definitely said that one too many times today. i blame the fierce athleticism i had to command forth from myself as i sweat somewhere around the equivalent of a bathtub of moisture as i played a game of kickball today (and that was a shitbrick disaster of a sentence, wasn't it? but we'll keep it, just to keep me honest). i kicked, and i scored, and all was well. except now i am tired and just might eat four pieces of barbeque (is that snobby? how does that one even go for fuck's sake? barbecue? bbq? barbie-q? please. help me) chicken pizza. this thing has smoked gouda cheese on it, people. it's very gouda. ha! ha! i hate myself.

let me tell you something else, too, if that's okay. listen. any sort of community is a beautiful and gorgeous thing, and yes and yes. i always feel so silly to use the word because it makes me feel desperate or the like, but really. gorgeous is the word i used, and that is the word that best describes it. rally some people around anything, my friends, and make yourself little communities, and remember how much you love each one of the members, please, just for me, just this once when i don't use the word community and put it into italics or throw up quotes around it like some sort of safety net.

and i would also say, there will be a child soon in this community i'm talking about, my actors and my newfangleds and my headaches! her name will be ritter balou hale. balou is a native american (right? or is it indians now? you know what i mean) word for "outspoken," and yes my friends, this child will be quite outspoken. unbelieveably so, even. her own person, if lacking in anything else. and that! that is something, yes it is. i would rather have that than many other things for my daughter or son, though it is difficult, i am sure. you would probably gasp at how many! how many, how many.

that reminds me: the thing i've always loved over the years is the knowledge that if i would be given the grace to have a child (or even more than one! can you imagine? mercy on them!) is that they have been with me alllllllll this time now. can you imagine? all this time. so much has happened! maybe they know it all already, yes? i wish and hope that to be true, but mainly the good parts. there have been so many good parts, my friends, which is probably why you never hear too much about them.

all the same.


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