well, which is it then?
working for two professors is like cheating on your boyfriend with someone else. seriously. there's a lot of feeling like i'm going to get in trouble any second now and he's going to call and hear something fishy in the background and he'll have to pull a destiny's child, all you actin kinda shady in callin me baby and if you ain't runnin game you better say my name! and i'll have to get around that somehow.
the moral of the story is: i'm totally cheating on professor triple threat today with professor donkey kong, because it's already taken me forever to finish the latter's project and the former is super high-maintenance. the other thing i get to do today is read about ohio school law, since i'm foolishly taking a class that lasts all day saturday and sunday. but it's only two days! i thought. silly.
let me tell you something about grapefruit. that shit is not in season in the summer, dig? i found this out this morning the hard way. don't make my mistakes. confucious say only a fool learns by experience.
it's been getting harder and harder to fall asleep lately, which means one of two things: 1) i am trying to get too much done before going on vacation or 2) i have been bitten by a tsetse fly. one or the other.
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