vengence is the lazy form of grief
go. see. the interpreter. everybody's good in it and i cried three times. but just a little. i know! yes, it is thrilling, but it's also very emotive. good themes. very human. the most amazing quotation about the human voice. everybody's good in it. everybody. dear nicole kidman: i don't care if people think you're made entirely of botox. even if you are, you are still an incredible actress. i would like you to be happy. dear sean penn: hi. those people that hate you because you went to iraq and then came back and took out that ad in the papers are idiots. also, thank you for doing that. also, i think you might be my secret new favorite actor. don't say anything yet. i'd like to talk to richard alone. dismissed.
leftover pizza goes so fast. three cold pieces, is what i had for dinner just now (just now, that's correct), along with a nice, crisp, perfect can of ginger ale. caffeine free, of course.
i managed to get very little studying done today. but i am now the proud owner of the most amazing thrift store t-shirt i've ever found, which involves a dancing beaker and his friend, a test tube. the test tube guy is holding a microscope. and, of course, embalzoned across the front: "HARRIS SCHOOL SCIENCE MANIA 2002." it is dark blue, and is worth two dollars.
thank you, village thrift and harris school, for giving me this gift.
there's this nomadic quality of reading week. i wake up, i figure out where to get coffee, i drive there, i try to decide if i stay at the shop or go somewhere else, i sit at the somewhere else for hours, i pick up and go elsewhere, i eat supper at elsewhere, i move on to the last spot, i have some tea at the last spot, i drive home. every day the same, only in different places. tomorrow i will try to break fast at dodie's across the street. supposedly they have "like, the best breakfast, ohmigosh" there. then on to borders. on to more ethics rules. on till morning.
words, my friends. not just but always.
Places to study are hard. Borders is often crowded and noisy. Coffee on Main is small and mean. Other places are too... poppy? Do you know? The ratio of good coffee shops to bad ones is about 1:5 I think. For every good one there are 5 bad ones. I am going to list coffee on main as bad even though they are indie and use fair trade. All of their coffee comes through the republic of chochnia. I don't know how to spell choch.
You have wordcount on your links. You rock.
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