Thursday, March 31, 2005

i don't know how i feel about titles being up here like this

so the DCFM didn't involve any booty. it did involve a lot of creams and masks and whatnot. and now i feel awesome, but a little girled out after two days of pampering and oils. and i don't mean that in a gender-specific way. OR DO I?!?

i'm currently reading "farewell, my lovely" by raymond chandler, and it features a really uncomfortable scene where the protagonist wakes up in a mental health facility, rolls up his sleeve, and discovers he's been shot full of dope. the description of how he comes out of it makes my skin crawl. but he always comes out of it, this guy.

speaking of uncomfortable, i saw about an hour or so of trainspotting last night. wow. the baby? anyone? wow.

for dinner tonight i will be having a chicken pot pie and a tall glass of milk. then i will watch half of akira kurosawa's ran. and THEN i will go to a bar. in that order. maybe i will come home and finish trainspotting, but maybe after a couple more beers. i feel like that movie can only be stomached with some form of something.

supposedly it's going to snow on saturday. snow, for pete's sake. that's alright i guess, as it gives me something to talk about with strangers, but that's pretty much the extent of its usefulness so far.

speaking of the book, i'll share with you something i like: eating dinner by myself in a diner-esque environment, ordering a meal meal, you know, the full thing, and drinking coffee the whole time. it reminds me of these sorts of books. whenever i read those parts, i get really excited. so there you have it.

corporations homework, i'll get to you in a minute. geez.


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Sweet T said...

Yeah... that movie... yeah. AND... I want to be that person who likes to eat dinners alone, movie alone, ice cream alone... anything alone... hence the only things I actually like to do alone are toileting (not even all the time) and plucking my eyebrows (because I am ashamed).

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Class of 2000 officers said...

What a beautiful post.

Do you also ever have the urge to smoke a pipe or type on a typewriter while drinking coffee? This often reminds me of certain types of books.

Also, about the snow...I'm so glad it's coming. I have a built-in conversation starter behind the bar at Starbucks. The snow coupled with the two days of 70+ degrees? That's great material there...(thanks, God.)

Baby = seriously F'ed up. Like Requiem for a Dream type stuff.

Talya - that post was funny.


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