Thursday, December 29, 2005

i'm going to steal my coat real quick.

i am updating on jess meyer's computer in the hudson panera. some would say the hudson pantera, but really, that's ridiculous, isn't it? quite.

soon we'll be going up to cleveland to the asian market in order to buy things for sushi new year. come one, come all to the first and probably only, let's face it, sushi new year. there will be rolling, there will be sticky rice. there will be lots and lots of drinking sake. or maybe not drinking sake, who really knows. it's hard to say, but what's for sure is that it will be a sushi-good time.

jess is being very patient while i do this.

bob is also here. he has on headphones that look amazingly comfortable. my headphones, on the other hand, are not comfortable at all, especially not amazingly so. i had been thinking of asking for some other ones for Christmas, but that time has passed now, hasn't it.

after the azn market, we were going to go to my apartment, but now it is looking like there is a meyer family dinner happening instead. as a member of the loya family, i'll still have to go to my apartment. before a long trip, it is important to take a variety of clothes spanning a wide range of climates. you never know. especially when you haven't been away for so long in so long. i wish jess was coming so she could keep a proper log. will there be a log then, i wonder? i want there to be, but i don't necessarily want to keep it. it depends on how things go. when i say "how things go," i really mean "what kind of mood i'm in." moodypants.

it's time to go now. kiss the kids for me


At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could keep a mood log, moodypants.
Here are some hypothetical examples:

1/3/06, 7:00 p.m.
Michele: Thrilled. It's Tenderloin Tuesday at the Tic Toc!
Cat: Weeping. Hates the phrase "Tenderloin Tuesday".

1/5/06, 2:45 p.m.
Michele: pissed as hell at every blood relative she's ever had.
Cat: drunk. happy.

1/8/06, 7:30 a.m.
Michele: Thrilled. Winning Scrabble.
Cat: Pissed, yet unsurprised. Losing.

But maybe that wouldn't have the same humorous effect?

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

headphones of that model have now been stolen from me twice, Catherine. Happy mooding. Remember the two-letter words.


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