Saturday, October 08, 2005

the people in the apartment above mine are welding a submarine together

so it has been raining for two days. and not on the inside, either. The Inside Rainstorm (Get Your Umbrella!): The Worn Places on the Soul, Volumes IV-V. bible study to follow.

i've been struggling a bit with eating properly. not so much eating good things, because i do okay with that, but eating regularly. i suppose you could substitute "properly" for "regularly" there. in an attempt to figure out where i'm going wrong, i wrote down what i ate for the week, because people do that, right? when they're trying to fix something about their dietary needs? i have friends that do that. i always think it is a little silly though. sunday was really the best day. sort of. see, the thing is that i have these huge gaps in my day. i'll wake up and eat something and then not eat anything for hours (class, work, etc), and then i'll either be too tired to eat anything substantial (foie gras, veal cutlet, baby carrots, escargot) and just go to bed, or wind up eating something really quickly (soup, water). and that can't be good, now can it?

no. so now i have two goals for next week: one is to go to church, which is unrelated to this post, and the other is to eat three meals a day, monday through saturday. i seem to have sundays more than covered. sort of.

i know a guy who just drinks coffee all day and eats dinner and that's it. at least i don't do that yet.

now, since yesterday i didn't do a damn thing except see serenity, which i highly encourage you to do the same, i have to go and do some homework. and drink some coffee! i know! see, i think a solution to my problem with the foods is to get a real job. but maybe not....Just Eats Dinner Guy is an attorney. a partner, even. and they're supposed to have the nice jobs, right? i actually don't really know how that works exactly. alas, my destiny does not point me in that direction. the direction with the money.

but at least i have a shot at three meals.


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