any questions?
i just remembered as i clicked to post that i have a newfangled meeting tomorrow at noon, across the street. dang! and it's my fault, too, i called the meeting. well, shitters. now i have to go to bed really soon.
in other news, my shoulder still hurts. and i don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me. i'm waiting until the old muscle relaxant kicks in before i go to sleep. "may cause blurred vision," the bottle says, and yessirs and ma'ams it does, i'll tell you what. drugs are incredible, i think. medicine of any type. if i had my life to live over, i think i would've gone to medical school and tried to be a doctor. if i could just get past the maths.
but i'm pretty happy with this law school business i just stumbled into. sort of stumbled, i suppose. i think there might've been some gentle pushing by mighty hands. also, by "gentle" i think i mean "am i totally insane? what the hell am i doing?" which is nice. but makes for a hard time finding a good answer to why are you in law school at parties and other social gatherings.
do you think i could grow up to be a u.s. attorney? do i even really want that?
i would like you to know that the third was katie meyer's twenty-fourth birthday. her follow-up rap single, get in my papoose, will be the b-side to her smash debut, baldy stache don't take no shit. so be on the lookout for it. she's that kind of person now.
also, i'm not really sure how "get in my papoose" came up in the casual conversation via birthday phone call, but it was uttered. and how do you even spell that word?
whoops, time to go. my brain is feeling very slow and gets stuck for small intermittent periods. like somebody poured molasses into my head. this is your brain. this is your brain on drugs. fried! like an egg, sucka!
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